Our Organizations
Several associations are affiliated with the Jewish community. There are also various organizations and associations in Bern that are independent of the municipality, but are close to it.
Jewish Women's Association Bern
In 1867 some women from Bern founded the "Israelitische Frauenkasse" whose first meeting took place on January 12th.
First Protocol of January 12, 1867
Unexcused absences from meetings had to be settled with a fine of one franc.
The "Women's Fund" became the "Israelite Women's Association" with new statutes.
The association was later renamed the "Jewish Women's Association of Bern".
On November 3, 1924, the association joined the Federation of Swiss Women's Organizations.
Today, the Jewish Women's Association in Bern is a member of the Federation of Swiss Jewish Women's Organizations as well as of the Bern Women's Center and the Confederation of Swiss Women's Organizations alliance F .
Visitor service: regular visits to members who are elderly, sick or in the hospital
Organizing Tahara for members and for the Jewish community
Friday evening dinners once or twice a year
Organizing the little kidushim after the Shabbat service
Preparation of the Hanukkah meal, Shavuot learning meal and Yom Kippur break-fast for the Jewish community
Joint implementation of events with other commissions
Annual outing for members
The board consists of 6-8 members and meets about 5 times a year.
The General Assembly takes place every 2 years
Any Jewish woman over the age of 18 can become a member.
The annual membership fee is CHF 35.-
Contact frauenverein(at)jgb.ch
Jewish Men's Hospital Association -
Bikur Holim, Bern
One of our most important tasks is visiting sick, convalescent or lonely men. Talking to them and letting them participate in the Jewish life of our community in this way is a beautiful and enriching experience for both our members and those visiting.
In addition, in cooperation with the social department, we support Jews in need who have a close connection to Bern.
Another task is the Tahara.
Membership costs CHF 30.-.
President bikurcholim@jgb.ch
Postal account Bikur Holim Bern: 30-13753-3
Bikur Holim for women
Registration for visiting sick, lonely or convalescent women: ​sozial(at)jgb.ch
JTV - Jewish Gymnastics Club Bern
General information about the program and activities: jtvbern(at)gmail.com